BAND INTERVIEW: 恶刺 (Evilthorn)
时间:2003.1月中下旬期间 地点:网络中 采访者:Shuang 被采访者:吉他/南山(简称N),吉他/许允为(简称X) S:是什么把你们联系在一起并创建了一个黑金属乐队呢? N:是网络联系了我们.2001年夏天,我和主唱李超结识,组建了EVILTHORN.在...
I'm Sophie. There is a nerdy metalhead inside of me although I don't look like it. I don't like to drink, smoke or put makeup on to try to impress people. I love loud music and I have a huge passion for METAL.
When I was 18, I was interested in making websites. Therefore, I made a personal metal website called DyingLight that existed for 4 years. I putted many things related with METAL on the site. Right now, I changed DyingLight as a personal metal blog to record my favorite metal bands, metal lives and metal festivals I went, my metal collections and my old DyingLight stuff.