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COLLECTIONS: Most of my CDs in China

I have about 600 CDs at my Chinese home. About 300 are metal CDs. Some are piratic CDs. Some CDs came from different countries (I have CDs from America and Japan). It's impossible to buy genuine CDs in China many years ago. I can only buy piratic CDs or oversea CDs shipped to China as waste products. I have many metal bands' tapes like Slayer, Megadeath, Morbid Angels, but I lost most of them when my family moved. I guess my mother threw them away as trash.

I stopped to collect CDs since I knew I can download mp3 on the internet.

Here are some of my metal oversea CDs shipped to China as waste products. I still can listen most of the songs. I'm sure my mother won't throw them away anymore.

Post by 5-29-2015

 Who Am I ? 


I'm Sophie. There is a nerdy metalhead inside of me although I don't look like it. I don't like to drink, smoke or put makeup on to try to impress people. I love loud music and I have a huge passion for METAL.

When I was 18, I was interested in making websites. Therefore, I made a personal metal website called DyingLight that existed for 4 years. I putted many things related with METAL on the site. Right now, I changed DyingLight as a personal metal blog to record my favorite metal bands, metal lives and metal festivals I went, my metal collections and my old DyingLight stuff.

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