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METAL LIVE: California Deathfest (3 days)

Location: 1720, Los Angeles, CA


Tickets: $30 (Friday pre-party) + $108(Saturday & Sunday)

I didn't see every band in 3 days, but I saw most bands. I like all of them! I hope to go Maryland Deathfest one day! Anyone wants to join with me in the near future?


I only went there to see Devourment! I was waiting for about 15 years to see their live concert! They made me into brutal death metal so much more when I was about 18 years old. They played 3 new songs and played Babykiller at last I remembered. I can't wait they release the whole new album!

Devourment live clips

Devourment photos


Evil Dead is an old school thrash metal band starts in the 80's. And their music style is pretty much like general 80's thrash metal with punk element, but much heavier and faster. Their live concert was pretty fun!

Evil Dead live clips

Evil Dead's photos

Sadistic Intent is an old school death metal from the 80's as well. I love the heavy sounding and fast drums with twisted guitar solos and the vocal which reminds me Morbid Angel, Divine Empire and Sinister. I used to love old school death metal so much!

Sadistic Intent live clips

Sadistic's photos

Revenge is a Canadian black death metal band starts in 2000. Their music was pretty violent, fast and heavy. I really enjoyed their performance. Both vocalists were great! They are one of my favorite performances on Saturday night.

Revenge's live clips

Revenge's photos

The deathfest was getting heavier and faster. Repulsion kept remaining the violent, heavy and fast environment on the stage. They are a death metal and grindcore band from the 80's. Their concert was pretty fun as well. I love the fast guitar solos pop out randomly during each song. Sometimes, the guitar solos didn't really match their music style, but which made their music more fun to listen.

Repulsion's live clips

Repulsion's photo

Mortician's performance was so awesome! I love every element in their music which reminded me why I love brutal death metal so much! They are a late 80's brutal death metal band. They started the band after Suffocation started a year later in New York as well. They are as good as Suffocation, but Suffocation is more technical. They are just simply brutal and organic. Their performance was the best on Saturday night with no doubt!

Mortician's live clips

Mortician's photo


Morbid Saint's performance was one of my favorites on Sunday night! They are a very heavy and fast thrash metal band from the 80's. No wonder why so many people love them once you saw their live concert. They had great energies, excellent instruments play and great vocalist. Their music just simply exploded my brain and made me headbanging so hard!

Morbid Saint's live clips

Morbid Saint's photos

Massacre is an old school death metal band from Floria where products the most earlier and best old school death metal bands. The vocalist was funny. He joked a lot during the show. For some reason I'm not really into their music. They are just sound similar with many other popular old school death metal bands. There is nothing special to me in their music. They do had an exciting show though!

Massacre's live clips

Massacre's photos

Hirax is an old school thrash/speed metal band from California. The vocalist Katon had the best attitude above all other bands on Sunday night. He said: "we take care of each other, because no matter you like black metal, death metal, power metal, thrash metal, that we are all one big family! " That's always so cool to me to see a black guy in a metal band!

Hirax's live clips

Hirax's photos

Monstrosity's live is one of my favorites on Sunday night! They are from Florida as well, and played so much better death metal!

Monstrosity's live clips

Monstrosity's photos

Grave is from Sweden. Another 80's death metal band. It's my first time heard their music. I like the thick layers in their music. Sometimes it's so slow like doom metal in almost each song which I don't really like in death metal. I have to discover their music more to see if I like them!

Grave's live clips

Grave's photos

 Who Am I ? 


I'm Sophie. There is a nerdy metalhead inside of me although I don't look like it. I don't like to drink, smoke or put makeup on to try to impress people. I love loud music and I have a huge passion for METAL.

When I was 18, I was interested in making websites. Therefore, I made a personal metal website called DyingLight that existed for 4 years. I putted many things related with METAL on the site. Right now, I changed DyingLight as a personal metal blog to record my favorite metal bands, metal lives and metal festivals I went, my metal collections and my old DyingLight stuff.

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