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Location: Catch One, Los Angeles, CA

Line-up: Static-X, Devil Driver, Dope

Ticket: $39.99

Static-X's live concert was so crazy and fun! The show was sold out and it's so crowded inside of the venue. My friend helped us to moved to front of the stage. It was a great experience for me. It's so intense, crowded, and hot, but super fun! I was jumping and headbanging a lot. I felt like a high school kid, back to the 90's when Static-X was very popular.

Static-X's live clips

Static-X's photos

 Who Am I ? 


I'm Sophie. There is a nerdy metalhead inside of me although I don't look like it. I don't like to drink, smoke or put makeup on to try to impress people. I love loud music and I have a huge passion for METAL.

When I was 18, I was interested in making websites. Therefore, I made a personal metal website called DyingLight that existed for 4 years. I putted many things related with METAL on the site. Right now, I changed DyingLight as a personal metal blog to record my favorite metal bands, metal lives and metal festivals I went, my metal collections and my old DyingLight stuff.

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